Jane is a New York State licensed acupuncturist and is nationally certified in acupuncture and Oriental medicine (NCCAOM). She graduated with honors, receiving her Master of Science in Acupuncture, from the Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at the New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, New York. She spent her clinical internships at the Veterans Association Medical Center in Canandaigua, and in community clinics in Seneca Falls, Jacksonville and Rochester, New York. Jane is also certified in Zheng Gu Tui Na, a form of Chinese medical massage. She has studied and practiced neurofunctional acupuncture for pain relief and joint mobility with Daniel Wunderlich, DIPL.OM, LAc and Whitfield Reeves, OMD, LAc. Additionally, Jane has studied and practiced the use of essential oils on acupuncture points with Peter Holmes, LAc, MH. Jane continues to study and practice qi gong to strengthen and inform her practice. Yoga has been a long time love and source of restoration and health for Jane. Prior to becoming an acupuncturist, Jane worked in the natural foods industry. Jane is a provider for Excellus.
- Cayuga Acupuncture, PLLC31 Kimberly Dr
Dryden, NY 13053607-351-4005 Dryden Hours
Tue11am - 5:30pmWed10am - 6:15pmFri11:15am - 5:30pmSat9:30am - 3:15pm